Monday, March 12, 2012

What we found this weekend

Are you ready for these finds?
This past Sunday I was determined not to get out of my sweats and not to leave the house. I needed to play some serious catch up on laundry, grocery shopping, bill paying, vacuuming and everything else.  Lucky for me I had the majority of the day to myself. A rare occurence in this house. 

I ran down the street with Alison after we closed the shop on Saturday and I picked up a few things.  
Jay worked on Sunday and stopped at the thrift store by his work and had a full cart.  I loved that he was sending pictures to me while I was home being lazy.  

Jay picked up these two old briefcases.
They are both engraved with the same initials. 

Fabulous vintage Samsonite suitcase. 
Let's pretend that this was the lawyer's luggage for when he had to travel. 

I picked this up and just love it. 
I cannot wait to paint it.
Are you feeling white or black for this one?

My mom and I spied this a few weekends back and when I was back in the store on Saturday I asked how much and she said
 if you buy it now, $4. 

It is red, round and has writing on it. 
So yes I had to have it! 
The bread box underneath will be getting a makeover.

Jay picked up this picture originally just for the frame. 
He started looking at the picture and googled the artists name, Tyrus Wong and then called his mom. 
She happens to be an artist in California.

This is Jay on the phone with his mom, googling information and trying to determine if the painting is real or a repro. 

He also found these two metal tables. 
They match and are also very cool becacuse they fold up.
They are not old, need a good cleaning but they are cool. 


Restoration House Interiors said...

Hey u! Sweet finds! How awesome to have your hubs in on things!

SDSU Geological Sciences said...

So.... was the painting an original or a repo?