Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas around here is filled with....

Chex Mix.
Family over at our hiuse on Christmas Eve.  We had plenty of appetizers, games, football and lots of laughter.  

One of my 15 plus batches I have made this December and I am still not done.  

Josie crocheting a blanket for her friend.

This is so my life! 
A Dept. 56 Village - Garage Sale. 

I was so happy when I spotted these red and white paper straws in Oregon.  I have them placed in fancy clear cups on a silver tray.  

Christmas Gin Bucket.  
My sister loved it so much on Christmas Eve we made it again the next day.  Best drink recipe ever.  

My sister is so creative!  
She had these letters in the envelope and I had to spell it out. 

Second envelope contained this that I had to figure out.  
My mom said that when she went over to my sister's house a few days before Christmas to help clean and decorate she saw a whole mess of drawings of underware and thongs and didn't know what to think.  Now she knows. Too funny!

My very own mini craft table. 
Perfect size for small projects while I watch Survivor!

Did anyone else get a 3 ft. Sock Monkey named Max and a foam Dawg Head? Well my mom and 4 year old Niece did! 

Best present ever!
A cluster of Mason Jars for my kitchen. 

Made by my mom and dad!

Can't wait to have them hung up! 
Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Bathroom reveal this week!

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