Monday, February 13, 2012

Going to the Rodeo

Thank you garage sale down the street. 
I just happened to be driving Jay's truck when I went to Costco and the grocery store this Sunday when I spied a little brown cardboard sign that read those two little words that I love to see,
 "Garage Sale." 

Four minutes later I had this in the bed of the truck.
The bed is a full size and is metal.  The woman told me she bought it in Canton, Texas and had it custom painted for her son's Rodeo themed bedroom.
Yeah it's cute, but not my style.  
What color should I paint it? 
Please send me your ideas. 
I loved the matching toybox, can't wait to paint the baby up.

I loved the wheels. 


Pat R said...

Devon: This is Mimi. Please don't paint, I would like to buy it as is. Goes with the theme around this neck of the woods.

Andrea said...

I love it!!!

Devon said...

Sold! It's all yours Mimi. I can give to Andrea on Monday. Let me know.